Tag Archives: evah gothly.

Vice sim opening & Fightclub’s moving

After frenzied work by Charlotte Bartlett, the Vice sim, which is the official sim for  VICE MAGAZINE in SL & viceland.com, and will  opening on Thursday . The sim is aimed to deliver an impressive setting for indie music, fashion and DJ’ing and will be also the new home of the Fightclub, which will be operated as before on friday nights and for special events. Of course I’m personally pretty chuffed and happy that the Fightclub got invited to be operated from there and am thankful to Charlotte and Kas for including the Fightclub in their plans.

The builds are amazing and it would be great if we see all of you there for both the fightclub opening as well as the sim opening. Let’s do a short tour of what’s planned first:

Fight Club will be kicking off the VIce sime at 3pm SLT and the following DJ’s will be there to kick the shit out of you orally:
* 3PM – 4PM frostie melody vs ayako guerrero
* 4PM – 5PM evah gothly vs mzdeedee dagger
* 5PM – 6PM larkin galaxy vs enigma bombay
Below are Kasabian’s outlines of the rest of the evening:
At 6pm SLT, Niko Lyle plays an hour of songs at Megg Demina’s HEROES OF FASHION show, not without its own controversy ( STOP REPLICATING)..which has found a permanenjt home at Viceland.
7pm -8pm  Rance Alva Plays the Maunsell, Bofor Pirate DJ tower – the starting point for Vice in SL . The Maunsell towers were used in the 60’s as priate dj towers, to overcom britains extreme restrictions on how much rock and roll music could be played on the radio during the day. These towers were the inspirationg for the Sim and the landing point for everyone TPing in. They represented the idea that people were willing to die and risk their lives simply to play music for free. I personally cant think of a better dj to play Maunsell than him.
At 8pm-9pm,, lil miss makes us all sick with awesomeness, Eeka Batz hits the decks, and we move to the mainland of Vice, playing THE THIN MAN, A small but unique space named after and decored after Fritz Lang’s silent retro furturistic epic film, “Metropolis”.
at 9pm-10pm, Colleen Lilliehook opens her new Applecross headquarters at Viceland, as well as Vice square, and The Antigone Theatre, Second Life’s new premiere theatre environment. Applecross represents bringing attention to the very best builds and designs in Second Life with dance and interactive events.
At 10pm. we move back to familiar ground with Clark Bowenfeld, who gets to break in something old, something new by playing MIXTAPE, which is like that great old dresser you have moved from new house to new  house but always has that great grandma smell (COUGHS)  and you keep around.

In other words, be there, we’re expecting you all night long….